How to loose weight?

How to loose weight? 

Today I will discuss about an very common topic i.e how can you lose your excess weight. Today we are living in the world where fitness is very much important for a healthy routine life .
There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast.
That said, many diet plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a diet.
However, not all diets have this effect. Low carb diets are effective for weight loss and may be easier to stick to than other diets.
Here today I will help you with some techniques or steps following which you can loose weight. 

You don't need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it will have extra benefits.
By lifting weights, you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight .

Studies on low carb diets show that you can gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat.
Try going to the gym three to four times a week to lift weights. If you're new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice.
If lifting weights is not an option for you, doing some cardio workouts like walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming will suffice. Both cardio and weight lifting can help in lossing excess weight.

If you need to, you can take one day off per week where you eat more carbs. Many people choose to do this on Saturday.
It’s important to stick to healthy carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruit. If you must have a cheat meal and eat something unhealthy, do it on this day.

Limit this to one higher carb day per week. If you aren’t reducing carbs enough, you might not experience weight loss.
You might gain some water weight during your refeed day, and you will generally lose it again in the next 1–2 days.

  • Eat less fat 

It’s a mainstay of many diets: if you don’t want to get fat, don’t eat fat. Walk down any grocery store aisle and you’ll be bombarded with reduced-fat snacks, dairy, and packaged meals. But while our low-fat options have exploded, so have obesity rates. So, why haven’t low-fat diets worked for more of us?

Not all fat is bad. Healthy or good fats can actually help to control your weight, as well as manage your moods and fight fatigue. Unsaturated fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds, soy milk, tofu, and fatty fish can help fill you up, while adding a little tasty olive oil to a plate of vegetables, for example, can make it easier to eat healthy food and improve the overall quality of your diet.
Have some fresh air 

At least half an hour everyday have some fresh air, go for walk early in the morning or in the evening, try going to places where fresh air is present like you can visit parks or any area having more trees where you can get fresh air which helps you in betterment of your respiratory system and relieves stress and helps to increase your will power which helps you to control over your eating. Have a glass of fresh fruit juice or vegetable juice after your walk.

Drinking water is helpful for weight maintenance for a few reasons.
For starters, it promotes fullness and may help you keep your calorie intake in check if you drink a glass or two before meals.

In one study, those who drank water before eating a meal had a 13% reduction in calorie intake, compared to participants who didn't drink water.
Additionally, drinking water has been shown to slightly increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day.

How to maintain your weight after loosing it? 

After lossing some of your excess weight you think that now its over and you are free to again eat anything But there's one thing ,that many people manages to loose weight but they are not able to maintain it, after loosing excess weight you need to properly maintain, control over your eatings and should manages a regular schedule of exercise or cardio which helps you to maintain your body weight. Here are some tips which can help you maintain your weight properly.

  • Control emotional eating

We don’t always eat simply to satisfy hunger. All too often, we turn to food when we’re stressed or anxious, which can wreck any diet and pack on the pounds. Do you eat when you’re worried, bored, or lonely? Do you snack in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day? Recognizing your emotional eating  triggers can make all the difference in your weight-loss efforts.

If you eat when you’re Stressed – find healthier ways to calm yourself. Try yoga, meditation, or soaking in a hot bath. Low on energy – find other mid-afternoon pick-me-ups. Try walking around the block, listening to energizing music, or taking a short nap. Lonely or bored – reach out to others instead of reaching for the refrigerator. Call a friend who makes you laugh, take your dog for a walk, or go to the library, mall, or park—anywhere there’s people.

  • Stay motivated

Permanent weight loss requires making healthy changes to your lifestyle and food choices. To stay motivated:
Find a cheering section. Social support means a lot. Programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers use group support to impact weight loss and lifelong healthy eating. Seek out support—whether in the form of family, friends, or a support group—to get the encouragement you need.Slow and steady wins the race. Losing weight too fast can take a toll on your mind and body, making you feel sluggish, drained, and sick. Aim to lose one to two pounds a week so you’re losing fat rather than water and muscle.

Set goals to keep you motivated. Short-term goals, like wanting to fit into a bikini for the summer, usually don’t work as well as wanting to feel more confident or become healthier for your children’s sakes. When temptation strikes, focus on the benefits you’ll reap from being healthier. Use tools to track your progress.Smartphone apps, fitness trackers, or simply keeping a journal can help you keep track of the food you eat, the calories you burn, and the weight you lose. Seeing the results in black and white can help you stay motivated.Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep stimulates your appetite so you want more food than normal; at the same time, it stops you feeling satisfied, making you want to keep eating. Sleep deprivation can also affect your motivation, so aim for eight hours of quality sleep a night.

  • Fill up with fruit, veggies, and fiber.

Try avoiding fast foods and faty food items which are a major components of weight increasing, avoid eating oily food instead you can move on to baked items which are less harmful to your body. 
Shift on fruits and set a regular schedule and habit of eating daily fruits because fruits are having essential fibers which are very much important for our body, eat 
blueberries, strawberries, sliced bananas. You’ll still enjoy lots of sweetness, but with fewer calories, less sugar, and more fiber.
Add more veggies to your favorite main courses to make your dish more substantial. Even pasta and stir-fries can be diet-friendly if you use less noodles and more vegetables.Start your meal with salad or vegetable soup to help fill you up so you eat less of your entrée.
Add more veggies to your favorite main courses to make your dish more substantial. Even pasta and stir-fries can be diet-friendly if you use less noodles and more vegetables.

Eating a lot of protein may help you maintain your weight, since protein can help reduce appetite and promote fullness.
Protein increases levels of certain hormones in the body that induce satiety and are important for weight regulation. Protein has also been shown to reduce levels of hormones that increase hunger.Protein's effect on your hormones and fullness may automatically reduce the number of calories you consume per day, which is an important factor in weight maintenance.


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