AREA 51 - Is It a secret Alien base ??
- Area 51 is highly classified united states air Force(USAF) facility located within in Naveda Test and Training Range away 83 miles from Las vegas. At the time of world war 2 there are areas for boom and military test like area1, area2, area3, and Area 51 was also include in those boom teating area.
- In 1997 on COAST TO COAST AM (radio show). They received a call of a men how claims that he was a formal employ of Area 51, and he tell that Area 51 was based on interdimensional Beings(ALEIN) where underground tunnel are presents for the research of ALEINS and there spaces crafts by which they gains the knowledge how they flys without fuel, he also said that the team of area 51 captured aliens for researches, the team also discovered that metal which alein used in the crafts are unknown at that time but the atomic value of the metal was 115 which helps to create ati gravity easily and flys the spacecraft without fuels. After that the call missed. It was the secret that who was the men in call and where he is.
Existence of Aliens at Area 51 .
The secrecy surrounding Area 51 has helped fuel many conspiracy theories.
Most famous claim in 1947 alein space craft was crashed in at Roswell, New Mexico, and the spacecraft and the bodies of the alein pilots are taken by the team of area 51 for research.
Other claim to have seen UFOs above near thw site, while some say they have been abducted by alein, and even experimented on, before returned to earth.
And, in 1989, a men named robert lazar claimed he had worked on alein technology inside area 51. And claimed that the team of area 51 captured ALEINS for there research.
No one know about sure about Area 51 is up to these day. Even government never takes interest about Area 51. It was difficult to identify that Area 51 is a research base for alein but according to government they spreads these myths to prevent the military base from spy's of other country's. What exactly goes on inside of Area 51 has led to decades of wild speculation. There are, of course, the alien conspiracies that galactic visitors are tucked away somewhere inside. One of the more colorful rumors insists the infamous 1947 Roswell crash was actually a Soviet aircraft piloted by mutated midgets and the wreckage remains on the grounds of Area 51. Some even believe that the U.S. government filmed the 1969 moon landing in one of the base's hangars.
For all the myths and legends, what's true is that Area 51 is real and still very active. There may not be aliens or a moon landing movie set inside those fences, but something is going on and only a select few are privy to what's happening further down that closely-monitored wind-swept Nevada road.
The truth of Area 51 is ?
Today, Area 51 is still very much in use. According to Google Earth new construction and expansions are continuously happening. On most early mornings, eagle-eyed visitors can spot strange lights in the sky moving up and down. No, it's not a UFO. It's actually the semi secret contract commuter airline using the call sign Janet that transports workers from Las Vegas's McCarran Airport to the base.
As for what's happening these days in America's most secretive military base, few know for sure. Merlin has some educated guesses, including improved stealth technology, advanced weapons, electronic warfare systems and, in particular, unmanned aerial vehicles. Chris Pocock, noted U-2 historian and Author ,told he thinks classified aircraft, more exotic forms of radio communication, directed energy weapons, and lasers are currently under development at the base.
While the lore around Area 51 may be nothing more than imaginative fiction, that won't stop people from gawking just beyond those chain link fences. "At the most basic level, anytime you have something secret or forbidden, it's human nature," says Merlin. "You want to find out what it is."
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