will ASTEROID 1998 OR 2 Ends the world??

Will Asteroid 1998 OR 2 Ends the world ??

The whole world is suffering from the deadly coronavirus right now,but there's an another big issue which also needs to be looked for . If you are thinking what could be more dangerous than the deadly corona , so for your information I will remind you that a giant piece of rock with an diameter of approximately 4 KM is coming from space towards the earth with an speed of 31,319 km/hr , the speed and size of this asteroid 1998 OR 2 is enough for sending back the earth into ice age . the asteroid is as much big as the Himalayas and if it hits the earth than it will wipe out all the living species from earth same as an gigantic asteroid hits the earth 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs. But you need not to worry about asteroid 1998 OR 2 because American space agency NASA has confirmed that the asteroid will not hit the earth and will pass about 64 km away from earth. The distance is not very much but it is safe for earth so you need not to panic about the asteroid .


The asteroid 1998 OR 2 was first observed by the astronomers in the year 1998 , so it named as asteroid 1998 OR 2 , and it will pass by earth on April 29 ,2020.

This asteroid is as much big as the Himalayas with an diameter of approximately 4 kilometers and was coming towards the earth at an rapid speed of 31,319 km/hr.

according to the scientist of NASA the asteroid 1998 OR 2 takes 1340 days or 3.7 years to complete one revolution of the sun. 


The asteroid 1998 OR 2 is as much big as the Himalayas and if it hits the earth than it is not like it will totally destroy the earth but when it hits the earth it results in the dust storms and the whole atmosphere will get covered with the dust particles which ultimately leads to the blockage of sun light to the earth and will leads to the destruction of whole ecosystem and the earth will again return to the ice age which could be a very serious matter of concern. 
And if the asteroid is crashed into the water bodies like oceans than it will definitely leads to the rise of tidal waves which are hundreds of feet high and can submerge all the coastal regions,  which would also be a serious matter of concern. 

But as the asteroid will pass away from earth so the earth is safe and secure and you don't have to panic about that .


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